Monday, September 24, 2012

Egg Benedict

This dish is inspired by E. I asked her, how does she like her eggs? And without even thinking, she answered Egg Benedict! Well, because of her answer that day, I made this. As simple as that :)


Recipe from here along with the tips and trick. I use a store-bought whole wheat dinner roll to make my life easier. There was some kind of disaster happened when I make the hollandaise sauce, I forgot to close the lid when I use my blender to mix the sauce. Fireworks happened in the kitchen that day. Except this was "Sauceworks" hahahahaha I guess my sauce here was too thin in attempt 1.0. There will be attempt 2.0 for sure :)

And I love how my poached egg turned out. It is not as hard as it sound. I was always intimidated to make perfect poached egg before. You only need the secret ingredient : lemon juice, or vinegar will works too.

Inside the poached egg. Just perfect.

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